Thursday, August 14, 2008

Early Morning Class

6am class with Afton.

Wow. I feel great. I didn't know how it would feel. Six a.m. class on the sixth day of a liquids only fast. I felt better in many respects but noticed that my muscles fatigued during the standing postures.

Half Moon. Towards the end, my arms fatigued and I had trouble keeping them up. First time.

Standing postures in general. Muscles just fatigued towards the end and a tendency towards dizziness. Found myself just saying hang on until the floor postures. That way, if you do faint, you'll be closer to the floor...

On the way to class, I was wondering how many people would be there. There were only five of us. Not good. Less people means more individual attention from the instructor. And as predicted..... Straighten your arms! Point your toes. Can you go back further? And the silent reply .... no.. no ... and no...

Well, I can safely say that the nazi party is alive and well. And they work at my Bikram yoga studio. In comparison, Eugene is also very strict but they push you to ensure that your form is correct while here, they also push you to go further in the posture. You have to know your body and decide whether to push further or not. Of course, our lead instructors compete in yoga so I appreciate their dedication and keep that in mind when they ask me to bend backwards more more more.

Uh-oh. Bikram burns a lot of calories. I'm very hungry now. Thank God I purchased all my supplies at once. Going to the grocery store now could be very dangerous.

I think I'll skip a day while on the fast. So I'll plan to go back on Saturday.


Duffy Pratt said...

Good to hear that you have recommitted. My brother did a fast like you are doing, only it lasted a month. He tried going to yoga during it, and could manage it for only about 5 days before he just couldn't do it anymore.

I'm curious to hear what you think about the fast/cleanse results. Bikram is already supposed to detox your system. So I've been under the impression that these things might be redundant. But I've no experience with them myself, so I would be interested to hear what you think.

Anonymous said...

Hi Duffy.

To get you started, here's the website of the company from which I ordered the colon cleanse kit.

I decided to use them since everything was already prepared and I knew I didn't have time to read, shop, etc.

Tomorrow is my last day on the fast so I think that I'll have a better gauge as to the results after it's completed.

So far, though, I can say that I'm getting results similar to the photos shown on the testimonial page. Yes, the photos are gross.

What is interesting is that my diet isn't that bad compared to many others. I was vegetarian for 20 years and now eat fish/poultry, eggs and dairy but no beef or pork.

In response to your question about Bikram providing all the necessary detox...I don't know. IMHO, if you eat poorly then that would undermine the benefits of yoga so eating a more clean diet would enhance the benefits of yoga.

I had done a cleanse (gallstone/liver) several years ago and was amazed at the results. Since then, I was very preocuppied with work and realized that my diet/exercise has slipped.

So the cleanse was my way of jump-starting that process.

Hope this answers some of your questions.