Saturday, December 6, 2008

Back again

Saturday 4pm w/Britton.

First time back in a while. I just felt overwhelmed with work and not having time for going to yoga class. Especially with the change in schedule at school. We get out at 4:30pm instead of 2:30. Huge difference. I can't go to the 4pm class and traffic is horrible to get to the 6pm.

Made it through, though a bit wobbly a few times. There is some pain in my right hip. Sciatic? Felt good, overall. I really hydrated before leaving for class. That and breathing helps a lot.

Glad to be back. I'll just make a commitment to go to the 8pm class. That means I'll be getting home close to 10pm. ouchie.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Break Fast

Hoped to get to Bikram but set my priorities to getting prepared for work tomorrow. If I don't make it today, tomorrow is the official start. I'll go to the 6pm or 8pm class.

One thing I've noticed is that since Melissa gave me a hard time about the water and told me to breathe deeply through the postures instead, I haven't needed water like I did before. When she told me that, I found it hard to believe but I tried it and it does work. I do drink a lot before class, however. Somewhere I read that you hydrate about one hour ahead which gives you time to pee. Then I sip before class begins. Then, during class I only need water when they say "party time" and just before fixed firm. Oh and just before savasana at the end of class. So that's the three.

Also, I don't wipe away the sweat with a towel anymore because someone said that the sweat helps you to cool. So now, I wipe my forehead with my hand occasionally just to get the sweat out of my eyes. By the way, as a result of the recent cleanse, the sweat doesn't sting my eyes. Not that it was a bad sting. But I've noticed that it's less salty. Finally, the heat doesn't bother me like it in the beginning where I was swearing to Melissa that I had gotten heat stroke from a class and that's why I needed to pour the ice water on my head and was drinking between every other posture.

Finally, I've noticed since I first began I felt good after class but was totally wiped out and unable to do anything else. Now, however, I feel great but also energized.

I'm preparing brown rice and miso soup with shitake mushrooms and seaweed. I'm half-Japanese so this sounds good to me. Not that I normally have that for breakfast! I'm half redneck too. Eggs, grits, toast, fresh OJ, coffee. mmmmmm.

Glad to be eating again because this means I can return to Bikram five times a week. I know that the schedule will be tight because I will be so busy returning to work. But they do have 8pm classes....

As I was looking in the fridge, I saw the bag of organic apples I bought because the cleanse highly recommends raw organic apple juice. I had thought/hoped that I'd be able to juice them but that didn't happen. Which lends me to conclude that I was right!

I was right to buy the kit!..."Know thyself."

The Fast is Ended

The first couple of days took some discipline as I craved something to eat, I was surprised to find that I had few cravings. I love coffee and didn't want any. I did enjoy drinking some mint tea a couple of times. And a few times I had a vegetable broth with miso. The soup was comforting and satisfying as it was hot and probably because it was vegetable based vs fruit (apple). Maybe the apple juice countered any sweet cravings. I don't know. But I was amazed that I sat through an entire Italian dinner and was content to simply inhale. And last night at the movies, I could smell the popcorn and was fine with my bottle of water knowing that the fast was coming to an end.

As I'm still seeing "results" when I go to the bathroom, it makes me want to continue the cleanse a day or two more but I won't have the energy for work tomorrow. So I will have to eat today. However, it does inspire me to eat more healthily and LESS!

I lost six pounds during this process. The goal, however, was to kick-start a focus on health this year, which is why I've started doing Bikram.

Anyways, the cleanse is done! Yay! I made it! It was successful!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


4pm class w/Doug

Day 8 of Colon Cleanse.

Felt even better at this class.

Standing postures. Again, muscles fatigued easily. But, not as easily as before. Strange, am I used to not eating now? Holding my arms up in the standing postures became a chore but I did it. Something that never happened before.

Warrior pose. Kinda gave out the very last one. More to do with the cleanse than anything else.

Tree pose. Seemed that the legs went further into the posture, particularly the right leg which is more flexible in this posture.

Floor postures.

Wind removing posture. Now this is an easy and relaxing posture. However, I was stunned to find how much calmer the body was during this pose. So much has been eliminated from the digestive system and this posture is related to those organs, so that would make sense.

Fixed Firm. A pose I did easily in my youth. Some days, I ease right into it. Other days not. Today, my legs were completely flexible and flat on the floor.

Locust Pose. Both legs are going up now. Not great form but it's happening. Not diet related. Just strengthening.

Camel - a little dizziness due to the fast, but I was okay.

Rabbit - My head touched my knees and stayed there as I bent forward into rabbit. That has not happened before.

Overall much better flexibility (diet). Muscle fatigue so that I cannot sustain a hold in the standing postures (diet).

Observations & Conclusion
Two people have asked me what have I done because I look so "bright-eyed".

I felt the body become much much calmer, particularly during the Bikram sessions. However, I would need to eat something, to have a little energy to do the postures.

The literature with the cleanse kit talked about toxicity in the body being related to emotions like anger. I've heard this before too. Basically, because the body's energy is consumed with overcoming the effects of toxicity that it is stressed, resulting in emotions like anger. Well, we know that mental stress can result in angry reactions. While I have theoretically thought this made sense, I now know that it does from this experiment.

While I realize I need to eat something in order to function... I haven't been able to concentrate as well as I normally can when doing work and the muscle fatigue....I'm also amazed at how little I need to eat. I eat way more than I need.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Woke up this morning and soon after the phone rang. It was my brother calling to wish me happy birthday. Yay. I was talking to him on the phone and mixing the packet for the colon cleanse with apple juice when I happened to look outside and noticed my car covered in balloons and a banner wishing me happy birthday! How sweet! Well, normally I drink the concoction immediately followed by 8 to 12 ounces of water. But because of the surprise outside and my brother on the phone I forgot. When I returned to the kitchen, about 15 min later, I saw that the drink had turned to a beige sludge. I can't drink something that thick. ugh. Luckily, they had sent a few extra packets so I poured it out and started again.

Got my hair cut, colored and highlighted, and it looks great. Then I was surprised with a little birthday celebration by my husband and some of my in-laws. Unfortunately, my husband did NOT tell them that I was on this strict 'sand-juice' diet. So there was a cake that I could not eat. Dinner at an Italian restaurant that I couldn't eat and champagne that I couldn't drink! He should have told them. Amazingly, I didn't really crave anything. Though I did inhale deeply. Tomato sauce, garlic, parmesan. mmmmm... Actually, I felt bad for them that they went to this trouble and I didn't consume. I drank water from the champagne glass. As Cindy said "are you nuts to do a fast on your birthday?!" Yes. I guess so. But there is never a good time. I couldn't do it while I was in Oregon and I can't do it when work starts Monday. I feel great but I am having some trouble concentrating.

Going in to get some work done tomorrow. Plan to go to Bikram. Maybe the 4pm class.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Early Morning Class

6am class with Afton.

Wow. I feel great. I didn't know how it would feel. Six a.m. class on the sixth day of a liquids only fast. I felt better in many respects but noticed that my muscles fatigued during the standing postures.

Half Moon. Towards the end, my arms fatigued and I had trouble keeping them up. First time.

Standing postures in general. Muscles just fatigued towards the end and a tendency towards dizziness. Found myself just saying hang on until the floor postures. That way, if you do faint, you'll be closer to the floor...

On the way to class, I was wondering how many people would be there. There were only five of us. Not good. Less people means more individual attention from the instructor. And as predicted..... Straighten your arms! Point your toes. Can you go back further? And the silent reply .... no.. no ... and no...

Well, I can safely say that the nazi party is alive and well. And they work at my Bikram yoga studio. In comparison, Eugene is also very strict but they push you to ensure that your form is correct while here, they also push you to go further in the posture. You have to know your body and decide whether to push further or not. Of course, our lead instructors compete in yoga so I appreciate their dedication and keep that in mind when they ask me to bend backwards more more more.

Uh-oh. Bikram burns a lot of calories. I'm very hungry now. Thank God I purchased all my supplies at once. Going to the grocery store now could be very dangerous.

I think I'll skip a day while on the fast. So I'll plan to go back on Saturday.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bikram Yoga - Eugene Oregon

My first week in Oregon, I traveled with some very good friends. We flew into Portland, a very hip town, and visited the Columbia Gorge and visited some wineries then drove down the gorgeous Oregon coast. If you haven't been to Oregon... go! Well, in the summertime. I hear it gets pretty cold.

Unfortunately, by the time we got to the University of Oregon, where I'd be staying for the next four weeks, I had caught a cold.

By the middle of the second week I was feeling better so I bought this really cool pink beach cruiser to ride to Bikram class. There's a photo of it in front of the famous Hayward Field where some of the Olympic trials took place this summer.

What a wonderful place to ride a bike! Bike trails everywhere. The weather was so amazing. Bright sunshine, cool air, flowers of all different colors everywhere.Did you know that lavendar grows there? Try that in Florida. Then with less than a week of ownership, late on a Sunday night, the bike was S T O L E N. Less than a week and I had already grown so attached to that bike. Yes, I had a bike lock. But obviously, I didn't secure it properly. I know how, I lived in a university town for many years. But I was preoccupied thinking about a dinner at the director's house and what I was cooking that night. Squash southern-style, yum. Argh. I had been really good about my diet knowing that I'd be hitting the Bikram place soon. But after that, I just had to go to Bepe's with my new friends for a carb fest to drown my sorrows. Homemade fettucine to die for. I felt so low, I would have ordered dessert if I could have found the room. But I had stuffed myself on the pasta (and salad, and wine, and bread...)

I was informed that Eugene is one of top cities in the country for bike theft. So I began to reflect on the state of mind a person that goes around stealing bikes. You know that since it is part of their consciousness that they see other people differently. They see other people as plotting to do/take from them. They live in their own private hell while I got to see that there is goodness in the world when someone generously and graciously loaned me her bike. Which I double-locked during the day and took up to the dorm at night... thank you very much.

With the intense schedule at the summer institute, I wasn't able to go to Bikram as much as I had hoped. But I went and that was the main point. I just felt that it was very important to make the effort to keep the momentum going. Upon arriving, I was wondering how I was going to suffer and was surprised to find that I didn't. Could it be the lack of humidity in Eugene? Eugene has around 30% humidity while Florida has around, I don't know, 100%?! The dry vs wet heat was the difference between doing yoga in a sauna or a steam room. I didn't get enough sweat on my legs to wrap my legs around as much as I normally do for the eagle pose. So my toes didn't show.

Eugene is a very low-key place but they still care about the integrity of the yoga practice. So while there's no place like home, I enjoyed the difference.

I flew home on Saturday and got home very late at night. I decided that was a good time to start the nine-day colon cleanse. I ordered a colon cleanse kit from Blessed Herbs. Basically, I'm pouring a packet of clay/psyllium/ginger into a cup of organic apple juice 5x a day. I'm call it 'sand-juice'. Not to get graphic but if you click on the testimonials and look at the photos, well, that's what it looks like.

I started work on Monday. So travel-lag, time-lag, work-lag AND colon cleanse had me a bit preoccupied. However, the alarm is set and I plan to go to Bikram for an early morning SIX AM CLASS. Yes. Yes. Yes. I WILL DO IT. I AM BACK.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Gettting there

Well, I'm in Oregon. The trip with the friends part really left no time to get to a Bikram studio. We were up so late each night.

Now, I've got a frickin' cold and am too exhausted to walk the 1.5 miles to the studio. I'm coughing and hacking. Will wait one more day.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back is Back

4pm with Afton.

Wow. I can bend! The rolfing session with Atarah went very well. I was a little sore and a little apprehensive (I don't you but you are in my house. I don't know you but I'm almost naked....) but it seems like she's good. Of course, I was wondering later if she was licensed.....

So, I just held my right foot during the standing forward bend. And I didn't do the situps. No sense aggravating the back. But everything was so much better. I'm still tender. But I realized at the end of the session that it's probably been three months because I now remember it hurting from walking. I guess I got used to the pain.

News says that first hurricane of the season has formed in the Atlantic...Bertha.


No Bikram

I got rolfed! She gave her name as Atarah but when I wrote the check it was to Nadine. During the session, which lasted two hours, I heard the question form in my head, "ask her what her given name is".

It took two whole hours because, as Atarah/Nadine explained, she has to work the areas so that when she gets to the point in question that I don't come screaming off the table. Also, when the muscles relax they need someplace to go, so she needs to soften/move the muscles that have been holding things in place (compensating).

She did what she did in the beginning "cranial" work. It was very "soft" i.e. another way of saying it didn't hurt.

I can't quite remember the name of the muscle all this two hours was working towards, the quadramus lumbar (?).

Anyways, afterwards I could bend and touch my hands flat on the floor and able to pick my right leg and hold the foot with both hands. Could not do that before. So this is most definitely an improvement. In just two hours!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday USA!

10am class with Britton.


Walked into the class and it was FULL. More people than spaces. Really. I had my towel and mat and water and stood just inside the door scanning the room. I couldn't see any spaces so I took a step to my left to see on the other side of the door when I my leg touched something cool, then an "oof" sound followed by a soft thud. Just on the other side of the door was a young man suspended, WAS suspended, in a rather complex yoga position. Oopsies, says I, I couldn't see you on the floor there with my mat, towels, etc. Sorry! :) Then, I realized that the only spot available was next to him. Too bad. It's usually a better view when you're directly behind. Not my type but I'm married and not looking for a liasion, just inspiration.

This very out of shape lady with wild hair was talking to the very fit yogi. I heard her say 'rolfing' and immediately said "rolfing?" to her and before I knew it all her attention had shifted to me. I mean, she was standing on my yoga mat! She said she did bodywork on a lot of the instructors. I wanted to verify that. I was polite, of course! But she was a bit overwhelming. I thought I'd like to try her but then I didn't want to give her my phone number. At first I thought that would be convenient, considering my schedule, to have her come to the house. Except when she asked for my address I hesitated. I didn't want her to know where I live. Maybe someone could blindfold her and drive her over? I don't know. It was just happening too fast. Then, as I was leaving, she was talking to Britton who said how amazing she was. Does Britton owe her money? Have a hidden gambling/drug problem mebbe? OMG, I'm so suspicious. Finally, I said "OKAY" and the appointment was set for 4:30 tomorrow IN MY HOUSE!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

AVID Program starts today.

No Bikram Today.

I'm starting the AVID program which goes from Jun 29 thru Jul 3rd. Hoping to get to Bikram classes at 4pm or 6:30am for Tuesday. Should try it since I'm plannning on taking this class in the fall.

Regarding AVID, I'm disappointed because the site coordinator emailed to inform me that there wasn't enough budget for a class for me to teach next year. She didn't know if I still wanted to take the training but that she would love to have me. Well, I'm going. Because when there is an opening, I'll be ready and available.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Someone I met in Summer 2006 during my travels in Central America who was unhappy in her marriage returned home and determined that a divorce was the answer. During her travels she had met someone new. She hadn't realized that life at home had gotten so dry. She felt that she could no longer continue in her marriage with the way that it had become. Earlier in the marriage there had been neglect and a betrayal of trust.

Of course, we can all understand how it feels to be "stuck". Then one day something happens and you come alive. It's so amazing. It certainly seems like that place or that person must be the reason. So we change everything to incorporate this new thing into our livves.

This person/place must be "it", after all, you didn't feel that way about anything up to that point.

But then...maybe, that person just happened to be there when all the obstacles were out of the way. You know, the obstacles we always have up. I don't like this, I don't want that. And then one day, someone is kind enough, smart enough, looks right, says the right things and bam!

What if we meet this person or find this place and now we can't have it? Is this a tragedy?

Well, here's a question. When you felt this euphoria where did you experience it?

For me, I feel everything in here. In me, in my heart.

So then, why do we only feel certain things for certain people?

Because we have needs and when those people who can fill that need does it for us, then we feel great.

But what if we didn't have any needs? How would we feel?

Would we feel great all the time?

If we removed the obstacles (preferences) could we just be happy all the time?

And if we were happy all time wouldn't every person, every place and every situation be special?

So maybe we should practice just being completely open and happy all the time? And then we wouldn't be dependent on someone or something else?

Doin' Better

10am Class

I think that I should just go to class whether I can do anything or not. The heat and the little bit I can do probably only helps. Just keep the dedication.

Just checked my emails and I haven't received a response yet. Hmmmmmmm..... My studio here would have emailed by now, although it's only been a day.

Erin and I were waiting forever to use the showers. She finally got in one but the other shower was still occupied. Finally, Britton (instructor) banged on the door and shouted "Three minutes! I have a tennis match to watch on tv". I can only assume it was Wimbledon which is going on right now. Then she walked off.

One minute later, the door opens and this guy walks out and he starts explaining something about needing more than three minutes to get the shower started (wah?). I was still processing that Britton was eating cotton candy and rushing people (I don't know how you can shower in three minutes) out of the shower NOT because it was inconveniencing the people in the line (ME) but inconveniencing her (PAID INSTRUCTOR). Then suddenly I realize he thought that I had banged on the door. Well, it was all I could do to mutter "wasn't me" as I ran in to hurry up and get my shower done so Britton wouldn't start banging on my door. yikes.

Friday, June 27, 2008


10am class with Afton.

My niece came to class with me. She's a cheerleader at the high school I teach at.

So today was kind of difficult because of the pain in my right hip. It feels like it is a combination of a nerve that is getting pinched a little as well as tight muscles in that area. I had difficulty doing some easy things like the floor exercise where you bend forward and touch your head to your knee. I could not do it to the right.

On the way home Erin seemed very favorable about the class. She found the floor exercises easier than the standing where she got a little dizzy. I thought that the yoga would help her cheerleading. She agreed and mentioned that it also helped with flexibility in her leg (which was broken in a cheerleading stunt).

Surprise! Erin asked when I was going again! So we're going again tomorrow! OMG! I've never had someone come with me and want to go back....! :)

Emailed the Bikram studio in Oregon to find out if they rent towels and mats.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Not yet

Okay. I'm sitting properly and behaving. Will go on Friday.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am a cripple. Michael says it is because of the way I'm sitting. Apparently, sitting like a contortionist is not good for my back.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Pain. Hobbling around. A lot of trouble getting up.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Still in pain

I should be going to class but I'm still in pain. Maybe I can go tomorrow instead. Went to a class on GPS and geocaching. They gave us GPS receivers! cool!

The Agony

I'm supposed to go to class but I'm in so much pain. What did I do? Ouchie!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday is Fun day

4pm class w Afton.

Back to class. We drove all day Saturday and I'm proud that I got to class the next day. Of course, I had thought I was going to the 10am class and it's the 4pm class instead. But I'm here!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Gone to the Smokey Mountains for a week. No Bikram doesn't mean no yoga though. After all, have mat will travel!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why do I do Yoga?

Why do I do Bikram yoga?

* Low impact
* Aerobic
* Health Bennnies
* Calorie burner
* Practice in becoming "comfortable with the uncomfortable"
* Depression sucks - movement counteracts it
* Euphoria - Joy
* E Q U A N I M I T Y
* Feel great after a shower. Yummy.

"Thar she blows!"

During Bikram class today I began to feel something happening in the lower abdomen. I was thinking that I could work through it then realized "un-oh". I just didn't know which "exit" path it was going to choose. My only choice in this situation would be whether this event took place on the mat or in the restroom. The "call" to leave came right after the 1st camel pose when and I returned on the 2nd forward bend. So I missed rabbit but I felt soooooo much better.

It was the first time I had to leave the room.

Hip okay today. Strange. I mean on Tuesday's class I thought I was crippled for life. Even yesterday I was suffering. Now the hip is feeling just fine. Just goes to show that you just keep on keepin' on. Bikram somehow works it all out.

Backward bend in half moon seemed pretty good today. I'm doing all the postures (more or less). My toughest are standing forward knee, tree pose and locust... so what's new?

Learn to Breathe thru Compromise

10am class with Afton.

Afton really says great stuff in the class. Today, she said that we need to learn to breathe through compromise.

Yes. Life has a way of presenting us with situations that we find difficult to get through. Yoga practise helps us to go through these difficult situations. Maintaining our equanimity through the difficult periods just like we maintain our balance in pose. Breath is the key.

Loved it. Love Afton's class.
10am class

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tornadoes in the Midwest

No bikram today.

My right hip is very weak still. Hopefully, it will get enough rest as I plan to return tomorrow!

We are leaving for the Smoky Mountains on Saturday. Just checked online and there are NO Bikram places nearby. Asheville is the closest and that is almost 2 hours away. I will be hiking a lot. Oh, I could just bring my mat and just do regular yoga. duh.

Now that I think about it, here in Florida you could just do yoga outside in hot and humid climate and it would be very similar to doing Bikram. Except you wouldn't get to hear "lock your knee! lock your knee! lock your knee!". har har.

If you think about it, getting people in Florida to do Bikram in is akin to selling ice cubes to Eskimos. Bikram may be a great yogi, but he's also a great salesman. Well, great product! right?! [I know that they prefer to call themselves the Inuit, but Eskimo sounded better in that sentence. Sorry Inuit!]

Went to the movies last night with hubby. I agreed to do "double trouble". That's where you stay and go to another movie. He loves that. I don't know why. Anyways, between movies I had three voice mails. All from my sister. Apparently, they were having a tornado and she couldn't understand why I wasn't picking up since she went through all those hurricanes with me.

Called her back. They were in her in-laws basement. Of course, the tornadoes would come when she and her family are living in an apartment. They are building a new house and the old house just sold. It's certainly interesting what people consider important. Her friend grabbed the wine as she ran down to the basement, her mother-in-law grabbed her jewelry. And my sister.... my sister grabbed the chocolate and cookies. And, of course, the children. [I seriously doubt that the children knew about the chocolates, the cookies may have been brought as a decoy to those ravenous little monsters.]

Though I think that the major catastrophe resulting from a natural disaster is being trapped in an enclosed room with four children.........Click here for pictures in the Journal Star

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

10am class with Ashton. Ouch my right hip hurts like the dickens. Though I don't know what the dickens is.

Ashton said some pretty amazing things. No wonder she is so good at hatha yoga. One thing was to go beyond, that the mind was the first to want to stop, but that the body could go much further than that.

Towards the end she said to not let up. This is what you came for so just do it. Something like that. I like that she doesn't give apologies.

Yesterday's reading with Diane got to me. I expected to talk more about work and the direction that I'm going. Instead it went into my marriage and what's happening or what's not happening. She said that I was very astute and very intuitive and that I was on the right track with "letting go". Except. Except that there is a fine line between letting go and giving up.

Monday, June 9, 2008


2pm meeting with Diane Davis in Cassadaga.

Back on track

10am class.

That was a great weekend. Lots of laughs. Luckily, everyone is doing well. I'm stiff and achy from sleeping on the couch. I do that when my husband isn't home. I just watch tv and fall asleep in the living room. Ouchie. Not looking forward to class today. Must drink lots of fluids.

Class with Afton. She's a good instructor. My right hip hurt like h*ll. Don't know why, probably because I slept on the couch. Did the first posture with my mind focusing on other things, then I got into it. Thinking about what I want to ask Diane in my appointment today. I want to understand about certain things that are happening in my life. Of course, the answer is always 'let go'. I've become very Buddhist. Assuming that is a Buddhist attitude. Just let go. Not that I don't give everything my all, but just do it and then let go. What is that saying that I like to tell the students? "How you do anything is how you do everything.". Doesn't exactly fit what I'm saying but I just wanted to record it because I remembered it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Girls' Weekend

No Bikram.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Girls' Weekend

St Augustine at Mary's house. No Bikram!

Friday, June 6, 2008

End of School Year

No Bikram.

Organizing workpapers, deleting email, arranging textbooks, faculty luncheon and turning in the keys to the classroom.

Then, off to St. Augustine for the weekend with my best friends that I grew up and attended school with. We get together every year and I cannot tell you want a great time we have together. The comraderie, the support, the friendship, everything. We often refer to it as therapy because we can be truly ourselves with people that we've known and trusted all our lives. Nothing better.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Feel Good!

6 am class with Melissa.

I feel good. Like I knew that I would. I feel good. Like I knew that I would. So good. So good. Whew!

I thought that I might not be able to do that intense hot yoga so early in the morning. But it was great. My lower back a little strained because I just did a class yesterday at 4pm. And walked 75 minutes with best buddy, Nayda. So I was a little careful and towards the end I was struggling to do the situps because the back just hurt.

However, I did all the postures. Now I'm all clean and dry and ready to get to school. The kids left yesterday. My grades are exported. I'm just in the room now getting everything organized and doing my check list to exit.

My summer will be busier than the school year but it's a different kind of busy. And I'm looking forward to it.

This weekend is the Girls' Weekend in St. Augustine. Yipee! Since I won't be doing yoga on Saturday, I plan to go to yoga tomorrow morning at 10am.

You gotta plan ahead what you are going to do or it won't get done. Clean towels, yoga clothes, water frozen... everything has to be ready.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

4pm class with Britton. Small class. On the drive to the studio, I was thinking about maybe taking it a little easy today considering that I had been up so late last night. Instead, Britton is teaching the class and she really likes to go for it. So we were all going for it. It was a great class and I found that I was able to enjoy pushing myself. It's been about three weeks now and I'm beginning to feel a change in my body. I think that the two days on with one day off is working very well.

The strain/pain in the right hip is gone and now I'm doing the situps and even lowering my legs together while lying on my back instead of just flopping them down on the floor.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Visit with Family

No Bikram today.

Drove six hours round-trip to visit with family. My sister flew in with the kids and we met at my brother's house. Mom and dad came. Got some video and photos. Mom and dad aren't doing very well and you never know if these might end up being the last photos of all of us together.

My dad has really declined since Christmas. He seemed very tired. There was puffiness under his eyes. He was so stooped over. Amazing though, that he still has the capacity for intensity despite physical frailty. Truly a situation where the spirit is willing but the flesh just can't sustain the rage. Just as well since none of his children will even listen to it. His M.O. is to ask you a question. But he really isn't interested in what you think, feel or have to say. The question is just a set-up. He's just framing the topic that he wants to discuss. No, not discuss. Discussion implies a two-way conversation. He wants to pontificate on some subject that he has thought about in his world. Unfortunately, for him, this was not how anyone else wants to spend a family visit.

We pretty much end up laughing, talking and playing while he sat in his chair. Of course, that was after I told him "No, you asked me a question and I AM GOING TO ANSWER IT unless you weren't really asking a question". He had asked me what I knew about Barack Obama. What he might not have counted on was that I knew a way more than he suspected. Maybe most people didn't know which meant that he only had to wait a couple of minutes before launching into his speech. I wonder if he was surprised or stunned to find that I had plenty of information about Obama. And when he tried to interrupt, I told him so.

He physically wasn't strong enough to express the full intensity of his emotions. I was stronger. After letting him talk a little about how blacks don't like whites. Oh, wait. He likes to ask questions "Do YOU THINK THAT BLACKS LIKE WHITES?" Questions that he has already worked out all the answers for. He basically got from me that like Obama, I'm mixed race and I understand what it's like to live between both worlds and not truly being a part of either one. Of him identifying with the part that the world connects him to when they look at him and at his skin. That I, just like him, have had to listen to my white father and white friends and white family express their racism and then looking down at my own arms, brown and half-white, half-yellow, knowing that I was different. Yeah, I said, I think I do know Obama. He's like me. I'm not half black, but I'm half white, just like him. And with that, I got up and grabbed my niece and tickled her and she laughed fully and happily and lovingly in my arms. The discussion was over. He never got his full say. He may have been disappointed at having been robbed of his podium, but he had had that stage for too many years. It was time to give us all a break.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rajashree at Funky Door Yoga in San Jose

Some really good notes on a workshop with Rajashree at the Funky Door in San Jose.
Bikram Yoga San Jose

Monday Fun Day

4pm class. I prefer 4pm because there is much less traffic then at 6pm or 8pm. I'm always afraid to push it to the last class. What if I don't make it? Something always comes up. What if I get too tired and fall asleep? That has happened! What if I get hungry and overeat? Going to class on a full stomach...ugh that'd be brutal.

Lots to do. We're having finals and the students' last day is Wed. I have a lot to get done. Tomorrow is with my sister, her kids, mom, my brother. I have to drive 2.5 hours to get there and then drive back. So, it'll be a long day and no Bikram!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Whose Ham Sandwich are you talkin' bout?

In the forward bend, many of the instructors will say to bend forward "like a JAPANESE ham sandwich".

Now, I'm half Japanese and I've never seen a Japanese ham sandwich. I mean, mom made me a ham sandwich and but it looked just like the one they served in the school cafeteria. What does one look like and how does it differ from a regular ham sandwich?

Howizit that all these Americanos are so familiar with a Japanese ham sandwich when I am not? Are they all from California?

Is it made with Japanese bread and/or Japanese ham? Do you spread it with wasabi-laced mayo? Or is it called that because it was simply made by a Japanese? If so, how do Japanese prepare sandwiches differently? Could there have been some aggressive little Japanese at the end of the sandwich line that was furiously packing the fluffily assembled lunches and smushing them into the little plastic baggy?

What does this say about Japanese people? That they can't handle a sandwich without flattening it out like a pancake? Why don't the instructors say flat like a pancake? That's something I have a visual on.

Can you go to a sandwich shop and order one?

I mean wuzup with the ham sandwich?


I am craving more fruit and salad. There's nothing better than cold skim milk. Wait, yes there is. I found this greek yogurt, OKIOS, that is nonfat. It is so creamy and yummy. I think these things are cooling to the body since so much heat is generated during the yoga practice. I've been snacking on blueberries and strawberries. The strawberries were so sweet, no tartness at all. The great thing about berries is that they act like little 'scrubbers' in your intestines. Very good for you.

With all this activity, it's be a shame if I ate back all the calories, so I'll have to watch it so I can lose weight too.

Skin So Soft

Wow. It's only been a couple of weeks and my skin feels so clean and soft...smooth. It feels so good and yummy and I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting into my jammies after getting home and showering.

Breathe Deep

Another thing that is helping me greatly through class is breathing deeply.

Breathe through your nose deeply and fully. Filling up the tum and then into the chest. The instructors say to breathe out through your nose too. Today seemed very hot so I just told myself that "It's Okay" and started breathing deeply. Especially between asanas. Though I did get a little "wiggy" and chose to lay down during a short part of the locust. I was making a huge effort and my heart rate really shot up there. But I'm sure that some of the distress was caused by dehyration. I didn't drink much water prior to class.

So, two things that help. Drinking lots of water prior to arrival and remember... BREATHE DEEPLY!

To Pee or Not to Pee? That is the question.

Well, here's a very important topic for Bikram. You need to hydrate. I've learned that it is best to drink a lot before class. However, I tend to drink a lot of water only 30 minutes before. This creates a guessing game of "can I go just before class begins or can I make it through class"?

Rather than go through all that drama, here's the answer from someone with more experience:

Drink a lot of water, about 8-12 cups prior to class. Then stop about 1 1/2 hours before the start of class.

So simple and so obvious, I'm sure I would have thought of that soon.

She's also got some really good advice for starting the 30 day challenge. On Common Ground

Good Sunday Mornin' To Ya!

10am class w/Joe. Yes.... Joe. Joe is the one that didn't want me to get water til he said it was o-k-a-y. The Joe that talks like he's the announcer at the Kentucky Derby. Joe that INSISTS to everyone "wait til I say when". I've concluded that it isn't that he isn't good. And it isn't that the other teachers don't tell us to wait for water, wait to move in unison, etc. It's just that Joe seems to have a "need" for it. Yes, I have concluded that Joe has OCD. Let's call it JOE-CD.

When I walked into class this morning, it was packed. One of the few spots was right in the middle of the room. While staring into my own eyes into the mirrored wall, Joe moved to his left and now I found myself staring at his crotch. Then he moved back. It went on like this. The chuckling created some balance issues with standing bow.

So far, there aren't any handsome young gods teaching. But when one does, I know exactly where to put my mat....

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Graduation Party for Kyle

No Bikram today. Nephew Kyle's graduation party at Rainbow River. Making Key Lime Bars for Denise because she is on Weight Watchers. I'm sure I'll have one too... ☺

Friday, May 30, 2008

Kind of a Yoda

Last day of classes at school. Finals next week.

4pm class. Went very well, thank you very much! A new teacher that I haven't seen before. Didn't get her name. Good job though.

After my 'chat' with Melissa, I've been much better with the heat. She has a very calm but firm way about her. She doesn't argue with you either. It's very non-confrontational yet at the same time she's projecting a "Just do it" attitude. Kinda of a Yoda. I quit worrying about the heat... started breathing deeply and fully instead. Felt okay. Was that a Jedi Mind trick?

I really got into the postures today. I have three problem areas:
1. Standing head to knee - I can do it but I can't hold it. Oh, did I mention it hurts like bloody hell? Lock the knee, Lock the knee, Lock the knee. The top of the leg with the LOCKED KNEE hurts like bloody hell.
2. Toe Stand - Getting down to the ground now (a NEW Accomplishment). Right now, I have to balance with both hands on the floor. And I can't get back up. Basically, I have to fall inelegantly on my arse and then stand up. See photo of girl doing toe stand. See how she has her hands in prayer? I haven't a prayer of getting my hands up off the floor.
3. Locust - Who knows when I'll get the buttinsky up more than two inches.

On the brighter side:
My back is bending more and I'm doing well with the heat. I'm kicking ass in the forward bends. Oh, and I'm doing the situps too. Oh baby! My recovery after yoga class seems way better. In general, I don't pass out til 10pm! I think that two days on, one day off is working well. Wax on, Wax off.....

Thursday, May 29, 2008


6pm class. Britton was in the class. Her locust is amazing. She just goes up and her feet end up on top of her head. But hey! I'm just admiring not comparing!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Car saga continues

Melissa, the Director, taught class today. During class she suggested that I stop messing with the water bottle.

At the end of class, as I was getting my things together, Melissa came up to talk to me. She was very nice about it. You know, the few times that I've spoken with her she has been soooooooo calm.

I started to explain why I was using the water bottle to cool my forehead then I saw the expression on her face and switched gears. Instead, I asked her what her thoughts were on it. To my concern that I didn't want to get heat stroke again, she felt that my diagnosis may not have been quite correct. Instead, it could be detoxifying and cleansing. I remember that perspective from my days at the Temple.

So, I assured her that I know the goal. I went from drinking a lot of water to just holding the water bottle (which has ice in it) to cool my forehead a bit. She was gracious and agreed with me about moving in progession. So she let me have that. That was nice.

[Reminder to self: When teaching I have often used her approach. Which is accepting and loving, but also redirecting. The students are able to focus more on changing their behavior rather than spending an inordinate amount of time defending themselves.]

I used my new hot yoga towel today! I bought two of them at T.J. Maxx. They are 24 x 72 and fit the width of the little taped off space at the Bikram studio exactly.

And, just to balance the euphoria of discovery, I returned to the parking lot to find that someone had scraped the right rear side of my car! Argh. This poor little faithful Honda has really been through it this week. Wazupwidat?

Postures Today:
Standing Separate Leg - I'm starting to keep hands in prayer position, not the whole time though. Very wobbly when coming back up with right leg forward. Better with left leg.
Situps - Started doing situps today. Before, my hip/back hurt too much.
Forward bend - Forehead touched the floor for a bit. Still a lot of strain on the hamstrings. Loosening up though. I expect to be able to touch forehead to the floor and keep it there very soon.
Awkward Pose - Hey! In the third posture...I can go down now! Yeah. Stay tuned for when I can get back up!
Toe Stand Pose - Went down to floor but had to balance with both hands. And forget getting back up.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day - Wedding Anniversary

First 10am class I've taken. Felt a little stiff driving over but after a couple of postures I was feeling pretty good.

Britton led the class. She is always positive but it seems she's more...loving. That's what I've incorporated into my classroom. My BFF, Laura, says that the best administrators and teachers are the people that make you want to please them. Yoga teaches me to be a better teacher.

I'm doing all the postures now, except the Toe Stand Pose and the Locust. Of course I don't do any of them perfectly or correctly. But at least with those you have an idea of what the posture is SUPPOSED to look like.

Here's the ones that, when I can do these, I will feel that I've truly turned a corner:

1. Standing Head to Knee. Can't hold full time. This one hurts.
2. Toe Stand Pose. Almost there. Hands on floor, bending knee, but not standing on one foot. Not enough balance.
3. Locust. Nope. No Way.
4. Fixed Firm. Sometimes I don't lay down in the posture. Sometimes I can.
5. Awkward Pose. I can do all of them except the final one when you put your knees together and go down. Painful. Seems strange because my legs had always been so strong.

The rest of the poses I'm just working on flexibility, strength and balance to get the full expression.

For me, it's the practice of being where you are and then just striving past the discomfort into being a bit more flexible, a bit more stronger and a bit more balanced.

Today, I was able to enjoy pushing myself as far as I could go in some of the postures. Up until now, it was "whoa, you're going to hurt yourself or overexert yourself". That's because of overheating and inflexibility. It's only been a week and I'm starting to feel like I can really get into it. That's going to be awesome when I can just really truly get into the postures.

Indulgence. I bought two new beach towels for yoga. The towels can be used for the beach too! How versatile!

AND I bought a terry cloth robe. It's plush and pink with a soft orange interior and pockets. When I come home and shower after yoga, I can't seem to dry off enough and my clothes stick to me. So now I can flip flop around in my comfy new bathrobe until I feel nice and dry. Then I can change into my clothes or even better, my jammies. I get the best sleep after hot yoga. Of course, today, it's NOON. What will I do? Afternoon nap? Mebbe? Maybe!

Michael gets home tonight around midnight. I can wish him Happy Anniversary and then take him to the airport early tomorrow morning. He's going to Vegas to do a show.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Recharging the Battery

No Bikram today.

Plans to go to Gville (Temple) cancelled. Car would not start. What now? Low battery. So, a new battery for the car. I'm resting and recharging myself....

I'm eating fruits and veggies all day. Strawberries for breakfast. Yum. Salad for lunch. I can allow myself Chinese food for dinner. Broccoli & Tofu in garlic sauce. Just no rice....but maybe one fortune cookie.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm too hot for me!

Went to the 4pm class Friday (yesterday). Then came home and fell sound asleep.

Today is Saturday and I went to the 4pm class. Mama mia! It was too too hotchachacha.
I was beginning to struggle. I wanted to leave the room. I had to pee. I poured ice cold water from the water bottle on top of my head. I got angry that I had to choose between sticking it out or getting HEAT STROKE again. I didn't leave. I didn't pee. Why the hell does it have to be SO F'IN hot? I don't care. I'll just die. Oh, it's over, I made it. Thank you Jesus, Hallelujah.

I now see the tie between yoga and God. Suffering and redemption. You get it all in 90 minutes.

It's kind of amazing that I'm already getting so much more flexible since I started last week. But there is one posture that I cannot do at all. Yes, I'm talking about the LOCUST. [see photo].

My legs barely lift off the ground. Hey, don't laugh, that one inch in the air is an accomplishment.

I just wonder how long will it be before I can get this big ole buttinsky up in the air? sigh.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Kar Kaput

Yesterday, on my way to Bikram, I had some car trouble. My faithful Honda Accord was spewing steam and smoke out from under the hood. This is the first time I've had an incident like this and the car has 242K miles.

I was disappointed that I didn't get to work out but, as usual, I do my best and accept the rest.

Luckily, the car repair shop was only a couple of hundred yards from where I noticed the steam and they were able to fix it. Radiator and heater hoses replaced. Even more lucky, I had packed clothes to change into so that I didn't have to walk around half naked at the repair shop. yay.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Day off. Ninety minute walk & talk with best buddy Nayda.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

An Accomplished Yogi and Dedicated Teacher

Britton taught class today. She and the Director are so dedicated to hatha yoga and Bikram's teachings. Upon returning, I've noticed that there are quite a few new teachers who seem very sincere. I'm sure that it is Britton and Melissa's sincerity that have attracted them. I feel very fortunate to be able to go to a place with that level of quality in school.

Bikram's beginning yoga class consists of 26 postures. The one Britton is performing is not one of them. Apparently, there is a an advanced class! But I'm not aware of it, perhaps you only get into it by invitation.

While I have a ways to go before you can even recognize some of my postures as being one of the 26 postures, I was very proud of myself. I did all the postures. Secret technique: pouring cold water on my head so I don't overheat.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Much better

On Saturday, I probably had heat stroke. I've never had sense enough to get out of the rain and have driven in near hurricane weather; why wouldn't I return to hot yoga and possible fatal heat stroke?

Went to the 6pm session today. Ahh yes....doing so much better now. Somehow it didn't seem as hot. Of course, I drank cold water as soon as I felt like I was going to overheat. However, it was before the teacher said it was O-K-A-Y, and apparently that was NOT okay. He even called me out in class to tell me NOT to. Yowser! But I knew I needed to cool down my body so...........I drank.

He's telling me "no" while I'm putting the bottle to my lips and shaking my head "no" back. Out of the corner of my eye, I happen to see DH to laughing her head off at me. At least this situation has entertainment value.

Later, during the floor postures he was teasing the new people about staying on for the 8pm class. Then suddenly, he started on me about drinking the water! He asked me "you're coming to the 8pm class since you drank the water, right?". ack! I just laughed because, it's not exactly the place to have a conversation. Especially smart-ass "kiss my butt" type responses. Anyways, he seemed to be having a laugh. So I'll just assume that that is his idea of being funny and I will reserve judgment that he is a frickin' CONTROL FREAK. ☺

I think that inspires a thought for the day:

A student is not a know-nothing, just as the teacher isn't all-knowing. seemed better while I was lying in savasana........

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Starting Bikram Yoga

Friday was my first day back with Bikram Yoga. I've decided to blog my experience with it because it is soooo intense. I had tried it last year and then took a trip over the summer and didn't return til almost a year later. Mainly, because I've been busy with work and getting my professional certificate. I've had it in mind to start back when I was free so I started Friday.

Gosh. I was so afraid to start back because, as I said, it is so intense.

I was so relieved that the first session went so well. I felt fine. Came home, showered, and felt so good. Slept like a baby. Decided that I'd go Saturday just to keep the continuity going.

So I got to Saturday's 10am class and paid for a month in advance. Then I saw DH and we got a chance to talk for a couple of minutes. She hadn't been in class for three weeks. Anyways, we both decided that you've just got to suffer through it til you get used to the heat again. Then class began....

During the rabbit pose, I realized that everyone could see the top of my underwear because..... I wear these granny underwear. I just like full coverage, what can I say? Well, this just won't do. I was trying to tuck them in and making a mental note to invest in new underwear. Or, maybe, nobody wears panties under their tights? After all, no one does when they are wearing bathing suits, and that's just about the conditions here.

About an hour into the class, I started to feel overheated and drank a little water and even tried to pour some cold water on my head. I just kept talking myself through it and ended up finishing the class without having to lie down and skip any postures. I was proud of myself for just making it through the postures. Talk to DH again after class and she cheered me on about not skipping any postures. She was saying "victory" but I was thinking "survived".

So I made it home and felt good. A little later, I felt a nap coming on so I got into my jammies and curled up on the couch for a good little nap. When I awoke, I had a bad headache that didn't go away for the rest of the day. I just felt so bad. It was so bad I ended up sleeping off and on all day and didn't get any errands done.

So I'm still stuck with my "grammy wear".