Sunday, May 18, 2008

Starting Bikram Yoga

Friday was my first day back with Bikram Yoga. I've decided to blog my experience with it because it is soooo intense. I had tried it last year and then took a trip over the summer and didn't return til almost a year later. Mainly, because I've been busy with work and getting my professional certificate. I've had it in mind to start back when I was free so I started Friday.

Gosh. I was so afraid to start back because, as I said, it is so intense.

I was so relieved that the first session went so well. I felt fine. Came home, showered, and felt so good. Slept like a baby. Decided that I'd go Saturday just to keep the continuity going.

So I got to Saturday's 10am class and paid for a month in advance. Then I saw DH and we got a chance to talk for a couple of minutes. She hadn't been in class for three weeks. Anyways, we both decided that you've just got to suffer through it til you get used to the heat again. Then class began....

During the rabbit pose, I realized that everyone could see the top of my underwear because..... I wear these granny underwear. I just like full coverage, what can I say? Well, this just won't do. I was trying to tuck them in and making a mental note to invest in new underwear. Or, maybe, nobody wears panties under their tights? After all, no one does when they are wearing bathing suits, and that's just about the conditions here.

About an hour into the class, I started to feel overheated and drank a little water and even tried to pour some cold water on my head. I just kept talking myself through it and ended up finishing the class without having to lie down and skip any postures. I was proud of myself for just making it through the postures. Talk to DH again after class and she cheered me on about not skipping any postures. She was saying "victory" but I was thinking "survived".

So I made it home and felt good. A little later, I felt a nap coming on so I got into my jammies and curled up on the couch for a good little nap. When I awoke, I had a bad headache that didn't go away for the rest of the day. I just felt so bad. It was so bad I ended up sleeping off and on all day and didn't get any errands done.

So I'm still stuck with my "grammy wear".

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