Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Car saga continues

Melissa, the Director, taught class today. During class she suggested that I stop messing with the water bottle.

At the end of class, as I was getting my things together, Melissa came up to talk to me. She was very nice about it. You know, the few times that I've spoken with her she has been soooooooo calm.

I started to explain why I was using the water bottle to cool my forehead then I saw the expression on her face and switched gears. Instead, I asked her what her thoughts were on it. To my concern that I didn't want to get heat stroke again, she felt that my diagnosis may not have been quite correct. Instead, it could be detoxifying and cleansing. I remember that perspective from my days at the Temple.

So, I assured her that I know the goal. I went from drinking a lot of water to just holding the water bottle (which has ice in it) to cool my forehead a bit. She was gracious and agreed with me about moving in progession. So she let me have that. That was nice.

[Reminder to self: When teaching I have often used her approach. Which is accepting and loving, but also redirecting. The students are able to focus more on changing their behavior rather than spending an inordinate amount of time defending themselves.]

I used my new hot yoga towel today! I bought two of them at T.J. Maxx. They are 24 x 72 and fit the width of the little taped off space at the Bikram studio exactly.

And, just to balance the euphoria of discovery, I returned to the parking lot to find that someone had scraped the right rear side of my car! Argh. This poor little faithful Honda has really been through it this week. Wazupwidat?

Postures Today:
Standing Separate Leg - I'm starting to keep hands in prayer position, not the whole time though. Very wobbly when coming back up with right leg forward. Better with left leg.
Situps - Started doing situps today. Before, my hip/back hurt too much.
Forward bend - Forehead touched the floor for a bit. Still a lot of strain on the hamstrings. Loosening up though. I expect to be able to touch forehead to the floor and keep it there very soon.
Awkward Pose - Hey! In the third posture...I can go down now! Yeah. Stay tuned for when I can get back up!
Toe Stand Pose - Went down to floor but had to balance with both hands. And forget getting back up.

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