Sunday, June 1, 2008

Good Sunday Mornin' To Ya!

10am class w/Joe. Yes.... Joe. Joe is the one that didn't want me to get water til he said it was o-k-a-y. The Joe that talks like he's the announcer at the Kentucky Derby. Joe that INSISTS to everyone "wait til I say when". I've concluded that it isn't that he isn't good. And it isn't that the other teachers don't tell us to wait for water, wait to move in unison, etc. It's just that Joe seems to have a "need" for it. Yes, I have concluded that Joe has OCD. Let's call it JOE-CD.

When I walked into class this morning, it was packed. One of the few spots was right in the middle of the room. While staring into my own eyes into the mirrored wall, Joe moved to his left and now I found myself staring at his crotch. Then he moved back. It went on like this. The chuckling created some balance issues with standing bow.

So far, there aren't any handsome young gods teaching. But when one does, I know exactly where to put my mat....

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