Sunday, April 5, 2009

10am w/Kelly

Great class. Warrior pose. Kelly's instructions to lean the "right shoulder back" [left leg was forward] just opened everything up. Even Kelly said "whoa!".

There was an asian lady in front who did the most perfect chair sequence. Wow. I cannot do that third posture (with knees pressed together)at all. It should not be a strength issue. Maybe there is one small weak link that needs strengthening.

While everything is loosening up and I'm feeling stronger and more flexible, the injury in the right hip keeps me from bending forward in Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana - Head to knee pose with Stretching pose. Since the head must touch the knee, I basically pull the knee all the way up to my head. So I'm going through the motions.

After class, I stopped at Whole Foods and bought some sunflower sprouts, baby spinach, and strawberries. Before making the salad, I rinsed the sprouts because the Master Grower at Hippocrates had said to always rinse the sprounts because they are still alive. I didn't ask why, hopefully, I'll find out later. Made a spinach & sprout salad. Tasted so good. I think the taste buds are changing.

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