Saturday, May 30, 2009

Colonics - #1

Right after Bikram, I went for the first of four colonics. Since I'm 'cleaning house' so to speak, it makes sense to keep the 'back door open' to rid the temple of all the trash. ☺

Afterwards, I came home to find that the cat had an eye injury so off to the emergency clinic we went. She had some kind of trauma to her eye so the doctor gave her antibiotics and pain medication. He asked if I could give her pills. I said 'yes" and decided to not mention my former life as a geriatric feline caregiver. My previous cat lived to 17 yrs. She had renal failure. I was giving her fluids subcutaneously. I had ordered needles, venoset (sp?) and the glucose bags from a medical supply place and towards the end, she received fluids twice a day. I have trouble even looking at needles so a process that would normally take five minutes took 20. First I had to cry, then insert the needle under the loose skin in her neck, then cry again. The cat was fine though, purring away while a small camel hump formed under her skin.

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